Illegal Baby Names in Australia
Can I call my baby that?! Names that you can't use for your newborn.

When you're a new parent, deciding the name of your little one is definitely one of the perks of having a newborn!
While some opt for traditional names, others settle on 'alternative' names like North or Zen - but that's the best part because you're the parent you get to pick any name you want, right?
Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) actually has restrictions on what you can name a child. For example, you can't call them swear words (obvs) or include symbols in their name like @ or ! (sorry if you had settled on @L3X). You can view their full list of naming regulations here.
While there are lots of names banned all over the world, here are the names that BDM's would reject in Australia:
Names that BDM would reject in Australia:
- Admiral
- Anzac
- Australia
- Baron
- Bishop
- Brigadier
- Brother
- Cadet
- Captain
- Chief
- Christ
- Commodore
- Constable
- Corporal
- Dame
- Duke
- Emperor
- Father
- General
- God
- Honour
- Judge
- Justice
- King
- Lady
- Lieutenant
- Lord
- Madam
- Majesty
- Major
- Messiah
- Minister
- Mister
- Officer
- Premier
- President
- Prime Minister
- Prince
- Princess
- Queen
- Saint
- Satan
- Seaman
- Sergeant
- Sir
- Sister
Which name do you think should be made legal? Leave your comment below! 👇
Birth & Newborn Course
The Bump, Birth & Beyond course will educate you and your co-pilot (support person) on what to expect during pregnancy, birth and the first trimester with your new little love.