"We were still 5 minutes away from the hospital when I felt the head right there..."
I was 41 weeks and 4 days overdue with my son and starting to panic that I may have to be induced. I had begun to lose my mucus plug over the day, which also made me freak out that this was going to be a completely different birth experience from my first. I had tested positive for GBS this time, and I really did not want antibiotics or any drugs at all. I definitely did not want to be induced as I wanted a water birth as I had for my firstborn. Tuesday night, I went to bed and woke up at 12:54am with short and slightly painful contractions. So I decided to message my Mum to mind our daughter and told her not to rush over. In the meantime, my husband had woken up asking if everything was okay. I told him I was all good, just having slight contractions… well he jumped out of the bed and said, "we need to tell your Mum to hurry up!"

My Mum arrived 20 minutes later, and I was calmly bouncing on the ball. The contractions started to really hurt, but they were still short at this stage. We called the birth suite and spoke to a midwife. She had read my notes, which stated that I had a quick labour in my first birth experience. The midwife wasn't too concerned about this, as my contractions were still short. She finished the phone call by saying, if I did feel the urge to push, not to get in the car but to call an ambulance straight away. When my husband heard that, he was in an even bigger rush to get us to the hospital as we were about 30 minutes away. We finally got in the car at 2am and headed to the hospital, which, I can say, was a shit ride. Halfway to the hospital, my contractions became even more intense and they were happening back to back. I thought to myself, this ain't good!
We were still 5 minutes away from the hospital when I felt the head right there. I didn't tell my husband because he was already freaking out. We get to the top of the hill near the hospital, and I tell my husband I need to push. I start pushing, and he's yelling, "hold on, we're nearly there. Don't push just yet!"
He pulled into what we thought was the emergency department, but when he tried to get into door, it was locked. At this point, I had pulled my pants down and opened the car door. The baby's head was right there. I could feel it with my finger. My husband yelled to me, "the door is locked," and I yelled back at him, "go to the emergency section around the corner!" A few minutes later, about 10 female nurses came running out. One of the nurses checked and confirmed the baby's head was right there. She asked me, "do you think you could get on a bed?" I said "yes, I don't want my water to break in my new car!" But, by the time they brought the bed around... "POP!" My waters had broken leaving a bloody mess. "Ahh,my car!" I said to the nurses. The next moment I started screaming, "this f***ing hurts!" over and over until the head finally popped out! After that, two more pushes and the body was out, and my baby was on my chest.

"My baby! My baby!" I'm exclaimed, feeling so glad to finally have him in my arms. The nurse then asked if I could walk with the placenta cord between my legs to the bed, behind my car. I'm waddling with my butt exposed to the cold air, nurses and one security guard watching. I get on the bed and finally get a chance to look at my husband, who was on the other side of the car the whole time I was giving birth (freaking out). He looked like he had just seen a ghost, and all he said was, "wow."
I can't remember how we got there, but we arrive at the delivery room. The nurse checked me over, and thank goodness no stitches were needed this time. I do skin to skin and just laugh with my husband, "what the hell has just happened?" I then tell him to go clean the car before anything gets into the heated leather seats. Luckily, the hospital was close to a car detailing place, which opened at 8am. My partner went straight to get it detailed once it opened. It was a mess, but a great story to tell!
We have a healthy baby boy. 48cm long, 3.44kg. He was born shorter but heavier than his sister who was 51cm long and 3.2kg. We are so in love, and I will take a fast birth like that any day (even if it did make a mess in my new car)!

Birth & newborn course
The Bump, Birth & Beyond course will educate you and your co-pilot (support person) on what to expect during pregnancy, birth and the first trimester with your new little love.