Meeting Austin and Hunter

Meeting Austin and Hunter

Tiny Hearts Education

Meeting Austin and Hunter

My twin pregnancy was anything but ‘magical’’ I suffered from hyperemesis from 4 weeks until 36 weeks, getting fluid through an IV 2 times a week to survive. So when it came time to give birth, I could not WAIT to get these babies out. Given this was my 3rd birth and twin-A was head down but twin-B was breech, they gave me the opportunity to try for a vaginal birth! Having a 3-year-old and 22-month-old at home, I wanted the easiest recovery possible, and I knew if I had a c-section, I would struggle caring for 4 babies under 3! So 36 weeks on the dot, they induced me. I was begging for that induction to stop the vomiting. They got me checked in and did a scan to check twin-A was still head down, and thankfully he was! They mentioned that usually, twin vaginal births used an epidural (my last labour was pain-free, and I didn’t want that pain x2,) so there was no argument from me to get that epidural. I thought I would wait to get the epidural, so it didn’t stall the labour, but I also didn’t want to wait too long, so it wasn’t too late. Just as they were about to start the drip, the anaesthetist came in asking if I wanted the epidural yet. I was hesitant because I did want to try to get through some contractions. But I also took it as a sign. I remember thinking to myself, what if I say no, and then he can’t get to me quick enough, and I’m stuck not only pushing one baby out, but pushing the second out breech (ouch). So I decided to get it then before they started the drip. The epidural was put in, my waters were broken pretty much straight away, and the drip started to bring on the contractions. 

Luckily, I got that epidural when I did because I was in labour for 45 minutes. That’s right, 45 minutes when the nurse had to duck out of the room quickly to get something, and suddenly I felt this MASSIVE amount of pressure and yelled for my partner to get the midwife back. She came in and quickly checked me, and sure enough, I was 10cm dilated. 45 minutes was all it took! They called in the doctors for both the babies and for me. A beautiful student midwife got to deliver Twin-A as her first delivery, she was so happy, and I was happy she got to experience that along with me. She was a beautiful soul. Twin-A was born after 20 mins of pushing. He was put on my chest for a few minutes, then had to be taken away so I could focus on getting twin B out. 

The doctor, I kid you not, was elbow-deep in my uterus, trying to grab his legs. 9 minutes after Twin-A was born Twin-B made his arrival. He needed a little help with CPAP for a couple minutes as he was stunned from the breech delivery. The doctors started to check me, and were amazed. There was no tearing, nothing. Not only did I just successfully deliver a head-down baby followed by a breech baby, but my body helped me through it, and I didn’t even need stitches! Honestly, the most amazing outcome I could have got! Out of my 3 births, my twin birth was the easiest delivery I had. The female body is truly an amazing thing.

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