
  • The Do's and Don'ts of Performing First Aid for Choking Children

    The Do's and Don'ts of Performing First Aid for Choking Children

    There is nothing scarier for a parent or caregiver than watching their child choke and not knowing what to do. It can escalate quickly, and while they’re struggling to breathe, that’s when they need you the most.  You need to...

  • Archie's Intussusception Story

    Archie's Intussusception Story

    Archie went to bed, a normal healthy, almost 9-month-old, on a Thursday night. Friday morning, I woke up to his cot covered in vomit, thinking, "great! gastro AGAIN." So I gave him a smaller bottle to see how he went....

  • A Parent's Guide to Bringing Your Child to the Hospital

    A Parent's Guide to Bringing Your Child to the Hospital

    Navigating the Journey with Confidence As a parent, bringing your child to the hospital can cause a lot of worry and anxiety. No matter the reason for needing to bring your child into the hospital, knowing how to act confidently...

  • Anti-Choking Devices - Should you get one?

    Anti-Choking Devices - Should you get one?

    I wanted to test the lifevac as I get so many questions every day asking my opinion. Well, I did just that today.  I have some reservations and concerns and I will share those with you all so you can...

  • Dehydration; What All Parents Need to Know

    Dehydration; What All Parents Need to Know

    dehydration Dehydration happens so easily in little ones, particularly when unwell. In fact, they're at increased risk of becoming dehydrated compared to adults, and it can have serious consequences for them. It's so important to act quickly if you think...

  • Choking VS Aspiration: What You Need to Know

    Choking VS Aspiration: What You Need to Know

    Choking vs aspiration: what you need to know We've had lots of questions in response to the posts we've put up recently with little Briar and Nash, who aspirated popcorn and David, who aspirated peanuts.  Some of the questions include 'what...