
  • From a midwife: Caring for a newborn

    From a midwife: Caring for a newborn

    Our last few blogs have covered labour and birth, which helps to prepare you for your journey into birth and meeting your little one. But now it's time to talk about how to care for that little one; your newborn!...

  • What a midwife wants you to know about birth trauma

    What a midwife wants you to know about birth trauma

    Up to 1 in 3 mamas experience birth trauma. There were 294,400 babies born in Australia last year. If those stats are true, 98,133 of those mamas may have experienced birth trauma. That's in 2020 alone. When you consider that...

  • From a Midwife: How to support new mamas; what's helpful + what makes it harder

    From a Midwife: How to support new mamas; what's helpful + what makes it harder

    So often on the maternity ward, I hear loved ones asking, 'how's bub going? Have they got a name? How much do they weigh? When can I snuggle them?' Everyone is excited for a new little love to be born...

  • 10 tips for special care/NICU parents

    10 tips for special care/NICU parents

    Mamas, if there's one thing I can truly empathise with it's being a parent of a bubba in special care [or the NICU.] It's a tough gig! Recently I shared some practical tips on getting through this time, but I...

  • What they don’t tell you about being a new Mum

    What they don’t tell you about being a new Mum

    Oh, you’ve just had a baby - congratulations, from now on we promise that everything will be sunshine and rainbows!  Yeah. Right…   While birth is amazing and meeting your new little baby will be perhaps one of the most...

  • What to Expect: The Hours After Birth

    What to Expect: The Hours After Birth

    So, you’ve just given birth - congratulations! Well, you haven’t literally just given birth, but in the coming weeks you will be, and while you may not know precisely how your bub is going to be delivered yet, we’re here...